One of the first things most of us do when children (or adults) are overwhelmed with inner turbulence is: we instinctively try to calm them down into a state of ease before starting to sort out solutions. Why do we do this? Because we intuitively sense that the state of ease helps us to get back in our heart which helps to re-stabilize the mind and emotions—this re-connects us with our reasoning capacity and clear view. As we grow into adults we occasionally remember the wisdom of such practices, but it’s often after the fact and after much personal energy drain. This article suggests a few advantages of accessing our state of inner-ease, not just for bailing out of emotional turbulence, but to use throughout the day for maintaining connection and coherent alignment between the heart, mind and emotions.

Basic steps for accessing the State of Ease: Inner-Ease™ Technique
- If you are stressed, acknowledge your feelings as soon as you sense that you are out of sync or engaged in common stressors— feelings such as frustration, impatience, anxiety, overload, anger, being judgmental, mentally gridlocked, etc.
- Take a short time out and do heart-focused breathing: breathe a little slower than usual; pretend you are breathing through your heart or chest area. (This is proven to help create coherent wave patterns in your heart rhythm—which helps restore balance and calm in your mental and emotional nature while activating the affirming power of your heart.)
- During the heart-focused breathing, imagine with each breath that you are drawing in a feeling of inner-ease and infusing your mental and emotional nature with balance and self-care from your heart.
- When the stressful feelings have calmed, affirm with a heartfelt commitment that you want to anchor and maintain the state of ease as you re-engage in your projects, challenges or daily interactions.