“The doorway to fulfillment is in your heart. When you use your heart intelligence to shift perception and direct the flow of your emotions, you have the ability to generate and magnetize your own fulfillment. The longing stops and is replaced by appreciation.”
The HeartMath Solution, Doc Childre and Howard Martin

Howard’s Program Formats:
60 min. 90 min. and 120 min. keynotes
1 day workshop
2 day workshop
Suggested Titles:
Lift 2018: Change your Life, Help Change the World
New World Now, The Science of Heart-Connected
Activating the Heart’s Intelligence Activating the Global Heart
Program Content Includes:
- Heart Intelligence–a scientific understanding of the power of the heart
- Compelling science about heart/brain/body communication
- Practical Intuition—new intelligence for changing times
- Resilience–increasing optimal performance and improving health
- The Power of Positive Emotion– access codes to fulfillment
- The dimensional shift in consciousness
- Developing a deeper understanding of how to deal with the speed of change
- An insightful presentation on interconnectivity research validating the existence of the energetic fields that link all living systems and how we relate to them
- Science-based techniques to access more intuition, reduce feelings of overload, fear and insecurity and use your core power to affect planetary consciousness
- Heart Coherence—an optimal state of awareness, health and performance
- A real-time demonstration of the heart’s biological communication
- How you can actively participate in the growing momentum of adding “Heart” to a world in need
Sample Marketing Copy
We’re living in a time of extremes—the uncharted territory of a world that’s changing in ways that we’re not used to and, for many of us, the changes have happened faster than we’ve been prepared to accept. How do we embrace such a magnitude of change in a healthy way? The answer to this question is found in paradigm-altering discoveries about the new science of neuro-cardiology (the bridge between the brain and the heart) and the unseen ways in which we are connected, influencing not only our lives but the future.
Experience a special, uplifting and insightful event, New World Now: The Science of Heart-Connected Living with Howard Martin—celebrated author, speaker and business leader.
Howard is co-Author of the Best Selling books book The HeartMath Solution and Heart Intelligence. He is one of the original leaders who assisted Doc Childre the founder of HeartMath in creating the HeartMath System. Perhaps you have read his books, heard him speak or have seen him in movies like The Power of the Heart, The Incredible You and The Truth. Now, you have the opportunity to spend a special day with him to learn and experience the profound work of the HeartMath Institute.
Howard Martin has inspired thousands of people around the world to gain better control of their lives. His work is paramount in helping people change their health, increase their mental edge, realize their spiritual connection by opening their heart and unfold into a more enriched destiny. His eloquent presentations are simple, light-hearted, inspirational, scientifically valid, and most importantly, they work. Howard is the living example of the natural balance between head and heart.
Attend New World Now: The Science of Heart-Connected Living with Howard and learn a science-based system backed by more than 25 years of research… and earning the trust of more than 5 Million people worldwide. Experience the benefits of HeartMath for yourself, information that will change the way you live your life.
In this Special Program you will:
- Learn about a dimensional shift in consciousness
- Develop a deeper understanding of how to deal with the speed of change
- Explore compelling science about heart/brain/body communication
- See an insightful presentation on interconnectivity research validating the existence of the energetic fields that link all living systems and how we relate to them
- Experience science-based techniques to access more intuition, reduce feelings of overload, fear and insecurity and use your core power to affect planetary consciousness
- Discover Heart Coherence—an optimal state of awareness, health and performance
- Witness a real-time demonstration of the heart’s biological communication
- Learn how you can actively participate in the growing momentum of adding “Heart” to a world in need
Experience and Learn a science-based system that will change how you live your life.
Attend Lift 2018: Change Your Life, Help Change the World with Howard Martin, co-author of
The HeartMath
Solution and Heart Intelligence.
The Situation:
Most of us have been experiencing a speeding up in our lives.
We feel it on the inside. We experience it in
busyness of
our daily activities. Day-to-day life often feels like a relentless,
accelerating momentum
that is hard to keep up with.
The Challenge:
How do we find the balance needed to flow with the
evolutionary speed of change, to feel a sense of purpose
fulfillment instead of just feeling like we are surviving?
The Opportunity:
The same un-seen forces that are driving high-speed, chaotic
change are also giving us the ability to grow,
learn to change
in positive ways unlike ever before in the history of humankind.
The Solution:
Our ability to make choices that align us with this expansion
of consciousness and co-creative power come
from the
mind alone but rather from the core of our being—from the
intelligence of the heart.
Developing the intelligence of the heart and leading a more heart-connected life are evolutionary imperatives of these times.
Experience Howard Martin—author, celebrated international speaker and
progressive business leader—one of the
most compelling voices of our times.
Howard Martin, a key HeartMath leader, is co-Author of the highly
book The HeartMath Solution and contributing author of Heart Intelligence.
Perhaps you have
his books, heard him speak or have seen him in
movies like The Power of the Heart, The Incredible You and
Now, you have the opportunity to do a special program with him to learn and
experience the profound work of
Backed by More Than 25 Years of Research… And Earning The Trust of More Than
5 Million People… In More
100 Countries.
Used by: Fortune 500 Companies, The Military, Hospitals, Clinics, Schools and Many Thousands
of People
Personal Growth.
In this Special Program you will:
- Learn about a dimensional shift in consciousness
- Develop a deeper understanding of the global changes we are experiencing
- Experience science-based techniques to access more intuition, reduce feelings of overload, fear and insecurity and use your core power to affect planetary consciousness
- Understand break-through research on heart/brain/body communication
- Experience science-based techniques to access more intuition, manage your emotions,
reduce feelings of overload, fear and insecurity - Witness a real-time demonstration of the heart’s biological communication
- Explore HeartMath’s interconnectivity research on energetic field environments and how
we relate to them
New World Now: The Science of Heart-Connected Living with Howard Martin provides an entertaining and informative experience designed for people interested in:
- Leading Edge Science
- Global Change
- Health Improvement
- Advancement of Mental, Emotional and Intuitive Intelligence
Howard Martin is a dynamic, compelling speaker with a vital message about the role of the heart in transforming our lives and the world. His authenticity, care and extraordinary ability to inform and inspire leaves you feeling like you’ve just experienced something very special that you will remember forever.
Howard Martin is one of those men in the world who has been given the gift of communication. That is to say, he has the ability to be crystal clear. If you ever have a chance to hear Howard Martin speak, by all means, do so. He’s funny, he’s warm, he’s clear, and you will walk away with more insight and information than you’ve had in a very long time.
Howard Quotes:
We are in a co-creative process all the time feeding the consciousness field with our emotions and then in turn receiving a reflection that determines what we see as reality. This process is becoming faster and more acute. Consciousness is changing rapidly now. We can and must take advantage of a unique opportunity to create a new life and new world.
The vibratory rate of our brain’s processing capacity and heart’s communication with the rest of our body is getting faster. Our nervous system and body chemistry are adapting. I believe even our DNA is changing in ways yet to be detected by traditional science and medicine. All of these physiological changes are affecting our emotions, perceptions and thoughts. I see this jump up the evolutionary spiral as a very good thing but recognize it can also be difficult to manage with so much change taking place in so many ways in such a short amount of time
A new world is emerging right before our eyes. The new intelligence we need to become the conscious co-creators we are meant to be is practical intuition and it is available right now. Intuition is accessed through the intelligence of the heart, our point of connection to the universal field of consciousness that drives evolution.
Activating the Global Heart is an energizing and uplifting event that incorporates an innovative understanding about the heart’s role in accessing the new awareness and intelligence that is emerging on our planet. You’ll learn about breakthrough research on human performance, the techniques needed to improve your health and well-being and how to greatly increase your ability to affect global change. In this program, you’ll also gain the tools you need to participate in the Global Coherence Initiative, a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention, to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace.
Activating the Global Heart provides an entertaining and informative experience designed for people interested in:
- Leading Edge Science
- Global Change
- Health Improvement
- Advancement of Mental, Emotional and Intuitive Intelligence
You will learn about:
- Heart Intelligence–a scientific understanding of the power of the heart
- Heart Coherence—an optimal state of awareness, health and performance
- Energetic Intention—using your core power to affect planetary consciousness
- The Power of Positive Feeling– access codes to success
- The Global Coherence Initiative and the science behind it
Additional Information about Howard’s presentations
Howard’s presentations are supported with carefully coordinated computer-generated visual enhancement, video presentations, music and HeartMath’s innovative technology which allows you to see changes in the heart’s communication with the brain and body in real time.
Product sales to increase revenue Howard (HeartMath) can provide a suite of appropriate and desirable products that promoters and conferences can offer to increase profits at his events. These include:
- Add Heart Facilitator program
- Inner Balance Trainer
- emWave Pro
- emWave 2
- HeartMath books
For more information contact:
Judi Seavers, Event Coordinator
[email protected]