Our Mission

Our mission at HeartMath is to help activate the heart of humanity.

As you bring your physical, mental and emotional systems into coherent alignment, you begin to experience increased access to your heart’s intuitive guidance. This creates a profound shift within that helps you approach situations with emotional balance, compassion, clarity and confidence.

This heart connection, especially in large groups, can also lead to more energetic connectivity. Scientific research is demonstrating that people vibrating high-quality emotions, like love, appreciation and gratitude, can positively affect the environment around them.

Dare to connect with your heart. You will be lifting not only yourself and those you love and care about, but also the world in which you live.
– Doc Childre, HeartMath Founder

About HeartMath

What is HeartMath?

For more than 25 years, HeartMath has been researching the heart-brain connection and learning how the heart influences our perceptions, emotions, intuition and health.

HeartMath has created a unique combination of:

  • Scientifically validated techniques
  • Innovative technologies
  • Learning programs
  • Certified HeartMath professionals

Together, HeartMath offerings help you tap into the power and intelligence of your heart, bringing you back to the best version of yourself.

While most of us think of the brain as our “operator” – the heart is what connects us to our intuition and takes our internal processing system to the next level. It’s when the heart is engaged that we gain more insight and can more clearly perceive situations.

HeartMath research demonstrates that we can activate the qualities of the heart, for example, to increase feelings of care, compassion and appreciation.

When our heart is activated, it shifts our response to situations and events, creating more effectiveness in our reactions and decision-making abilities.

How HeartMath Creates Coherence

Coherence is an optimal physical, mental and emotional state that occurs when your heart and brain systems are working together, in harmony. Through heart-focused techniques, you can activate coherence, which is a regenerative state that helps prevent and relieve stress and anxiety, slow aging, and awaken your higher creative abilities.

Accumulated stress is often the underlying cause of common challenges, like overwhelm, anger, lack of sleep, illness, depression and more. In addition, many people affected by these challenges start to sacrifice self-care, workouts, hobbies, or quality time with family. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Self-compassion, happiness, and resilience are not out of reach — the HeartMath tools can help you get there.

Get Started Today

Get Started Today

Reduce Stress

Reduce Stress

Reduce Stress

Improve Sleep

Reduce Stress

Restore Energy

Reduce Stress

Balance Emotions

Reduce Stress

Increase Focus

Reduce Stress

Tap into your Intuition

Reduce Stress

Reduce Stress

Reduce Stress

Improve Sleep

Reduce Stress

Restore Energy

Reduce Stress

Balance Emotions

Reduce Stress

Increase Focus

Reduce Stress

Tap into your Intuition

Wow, talk about a miracle. I save energy and have stopped runningmyself ragged. The person I have always wanted to be, I am now!
– Amelia

Years of pioneering research


Independent research studies; 16,000 citations


Health professionals use with patients


Hospitals and organizations have utilized HeartMath training

chart of benefits

Studies conducted with over 11,500* people have shown improvements in mental & emotional well-being in just 6-9 weeks using HeartMath training and technology.

Studies conducted with over 11,500* people have shown improvements in mental & emotional well-being in just 6-9 weeks using HeartMath training and technology.

24% improvement in the ability to focus

30% improvement in sleep

38% improvement in calmness

46% drop in anxiety

48% drop in fatigue

56% drop in depression

* N= 11,903
Percent of individuals responding "often to always" on normed and validated pre and post Personal and Organizational Quality Assessment (POQA-R)

The Inner Balance Trainer

The Inner Balance Trainer provides you with the simple techniques you need to manage stress, revitalize energy and restore mental and emotional balance.

The technology displays your heart rhythm, measured by Heart Rate Variability (HRV), which indicates how emotional states are affecting your mervous system and how you feel.

Man using Inner Balance

Clip the Inner Balance BlueTooth Sensor to your ear

Woman using Inner Balance

Clip the Inner Balance BlueTooth Sensor to your ear

Closeup of Inner Balance

Clip the Inner Balance BlueTooth Sensor to your ear

The Inner Balance™ Trainer provides you with the simple techniques you need to manage stress, revitalize energy, and restore mental and emotional balance. The technology displays your heart rhythm, measured by Heart Rate Variability (HRV), which indicates how emotional states are affecting your nervous system and how you feel.

HRV offers a unique window into the quality of communication between the heart and brain, which directly impacts how you feel and perform.

The Inner Balance Trainer teaches you how to generate a highly efficient physiological state called HRV coherence, which helps improve your emotional composure and clear reasoning.

Recommended by health professionals worldwide, HRV coherence training has been associated with many health and performance benefits. A few minutes of daily coherence practice has been proven to reduce and prevent the negative effects of stress, such as overwhelm, exhaustion, and anxiety.

Get The Inner Balance Trainer

A few minutes of daily coherence practice has been proven to reduce and prevent the negative effects of stress such as overwhelm, exhaustion and anxiety.

Get The Inner Balance Trainer

Care IconThroughout my last 10 years of intensive trauma and attachment-focused clinical interventions, the science of HeartMath has proven to be one of my most effective tools. The state of high coherence makes all forms of intervention easier to implement and helps produce a long-lasting effect.
– Steve, (LCSW, CSAC)
Care Icon Since I started using HeartMath with overweight patients, I no longer give any dietary or nutritional information, and yet, my patients have the best results in weight loss I’ve seen in all my years of practice. Once they increased their heart coherence, eating in a way that’s beneficial came naturally.
– David (MD, Psychiatrist)
Care Icon During a 4-week program, the patient had tapered off all narcotic medications and switched to non-opioid medications and as happens so often, his pain was often decreased. He stopped talking about pain, his sense of humor returned, and he barely used his cane. He got his life back.
– Nurse Practitioner