Excerpted from Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Heart’s Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices and Solutions; Chapter 8The Difference Between Care and Overcare
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Download the Introduction by Doc Childre and Chapter 1 from the new edition of Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Heart’s Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices and Solutions.
At the time of this writing, according to a study out of Calgary University, one in five youth are experiencing clinically elevated anxiety symptoms and one in four adolescents globally are experiencing clinically elevated depression.
Often when small kids are distressed, unhappy, or experiencing a tantrum, we instinctively redirect their energy by giving them a toy or loving attention, and almost instantly they can totally change their frequency pitch (vibration) to calmness, joy, elation, or contentment (higher pitch emotions). A primary reason that young children often transform compressive emotions quickly is because in their early years of development they are still connected to the higher frequencies of their natural heart attributes, such as uncomplicated love, transparency, lack of prejudice, and their superpower to release and move on. Their minds are not yet entrained to the countless lower vibration societal mindsets and habits that often overshadow their heart’s higher feelings and choices.
The collective consciousness is slowly awakening to the need to educate children in the difference between their mind and heart and how to maintain their heart connection in their interactions. This usually starts by teaching younger children appreciation, kindness, sharing, compassionate care for others who are sad or feeling low, etc. It’s especially important for young children to learn how to go to their heart space for comfort and guidance when they‘re stressed and emotionally overloaded. Older children can learn to connect with their heart’s intuitive guidance amidst societal stress and society’s hard and fast entrainment to overstimulation, overcare, ambition, competition, and techno-mania.
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Download the Introduction by Doc Childre and Chapter 1 from the new edition of Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Heart’s Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices and Solutions.
One of the biggest obstructions in a child’s development (but not intentional) is when parents assume that they always know best regarding what their kids should be and do as they become adults. Millions of children end up playing out the dreams of their parent’s ideal personifications. To most parents in these situations, it seems normal and motivated by care. It is care—but often care that doesn’t include the sensitivity to the way the child is natured. This unintentionally tries to force-fit a child into molds that don’t fit. Guidance is important, yet guidance occasionally needs an awareness-upgrade that’s more inclusive of the consequences it generates. Most everyone realizes that, for a long time now, children around the world are born with more awareness than previous generations. This increased awareness can cause resistance and separation in teens when they are pressured in directions that their deeper heart feels are not right for them—especially regarding vocation and relationship choices. Updated guidance models are available that can prevent much stress and emotional resistance in children from spirit repression. Guidance needs to include an awareness of their individual nature and their deeper heart’s inclinations and desires. New consciousness regarding this is on the rise, yet there’s much left to be done to change old-school guidance patterns.
With compassion, I encourage parents to be proactive in becoming more informed about effective new models and information regarding child-rearing. Most parents are doing the best they can with the time constraints they have. But it’s time for us all to upgrade our awareness because in our heart of hearts, we want our children and young adults to become who they truly are. Parents also need to have compassion for themselves, as keeping up with children’s accelerated awareness is one of the harder challenges, especially in these times. I compassionately understand the extra commitment this takes. I realize it’s even harder now for adults to stay balanced and sort out their next steps.
Our younger generation’s increasing awareness will eventually help to change society’s conflicting lower-vibrational mindsets that have cost so many lives and generated ongoing hatred, trauma, and retribution. New generations won’t tend to support the intolerance and separation that block harmonious connections and caring interactions among all people. Our younger generation is already finding its way towards becoming more effective in inspiring the need for a global change of heart.