HeartMath® Certified Trainer Patrica Lim Helps Zip Zap Circus School Students in Cape Town, South Africa, Reduce Stress and Improve Energy and Happiness
The HeartMath Institute serves educational, government, first responder, and charitable communities worldwide including, recently, Zip Zap Circus School in Cape Town, South Africa. Zip Zap is a social and professional circus dedicated to fostering a “culture of peaceful co-existence in South Africa, inspired by the late Nelson Mandela,” and its outreach and youth programs are offered free of charge to all participants.
Young adults come to Zip Zap through Zip Zap’s outreach and youth programs, designed to empower young people from all walks of life to pursue their destinies.
The Program and Results
Zip Zap’s chairperson, Victoria Engelhorn, invited HeartMath® Certified Trainer Patricia Lim, psychologist and founder of the Inspira Heart Institute in Brazil, to conduct the training in partnership with the HeartMath Institute, who donated Inner Balance™ sensors for all participants enrolled in the program.
The program was delivered to 16 participants over 4 weeks. Patricia delivered 9 hours of training. Learning heart coherence techniques and then viewing their coherence levels via biofeedback and seeing progress over time with these devices increased the value of what they were learning.
After four weeks of training and applying the techniques in their lives, participants saw improvements in their enjoyment of life, resilience, happiness, feeling calm, energy levels, feeling satisfied with work, their daily performance, and satisfaction with personal relationships. They felt less stressed, tired, and fatigued. Their quality of sleep improved by 37%.

At the end of their sessions, each participant created a visioning exercise for their hopes and dreams for 2023 using the HeartMath skill sets, tied their intentions to biodegradable balloons, and let them go on the roof of the Zip Zap facilities as part of their graduation from the course.
The program took place in the Zip Zap facilities in Cape Town, South Africa, from November 10 to December 7, 2022.