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Download the Introduction by Doc Childre and Chapter 1 from the new edition of Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Heart’s Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices and Solutions.
Excerpted from Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Heart’s Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices and Solutions; Chapter 12
by Deborah Rozman
As I was waking one morning and before I opened my eyes, these thoughts flooded into my consciousness: The world needs as much care and compassion as it can get. What if we could collectively put out enough pure radiant love into the earth’s energetic fields that it would create a multiplier effect or a quantum-coherence effect? What will it really take to shift the consciousness of humanity? These thoughts stayed with me through my morning meditation as I radiated as much pure love, care, and compassion to the planet and humanity as I could.
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Download the Introduction by Doc Childre and Chapter 1 from the new edition of Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Heart’s Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices and Solutions.
Science is beginning to acknowledge that we are all part of a vast web of connections that encompass not only life on this planet but the solar system and beyond. It is through this energetic connectivity that information, heart coherence, and resonance are exchanged. Let’s look at how this energetic connectivity could potentially increase global coherence.
There are thousands of groups and organizations all around the world using various forms of meditation or prayer to energetically help make things easier for others. Many organizations conduct synchronized meditations, prayers, intention experiments, and so forth to facilitate healing or to create a more harmonious world. Numerous studies have shown that group or collective meditation, prayer, and focused intention directed towards a specific positive outcome can have increased beneficial and measurable effects.
For example, a study conducted in 1993 in Washington DC, showed a 25 percent drop in crime rate when 2,500 meditators meditated during specific periods of time with that intention, which means that a relatively small group of a few thousand was able to influence a much larger group—a million and a half.[2]
Every individual’s energy affects the collective field environment. This means each person’s emotions and intentions produce an energy that affects the field. Therefore, a first step in diffusing societal stress in the global field is for each of us to take personal responsibility for our own energies. We can do this by increasing our personal coherence and raising our vibratory rate, which helps us become more conscious of the thoughts, feelings, and attitudes that we are “feeding the field” each day. We have a choice in every moment to “take to heart” the importance of intentionally managing our energies. This is the free will or local freedom that can create global cohesion.
Heart coherence practices help to increase our vibratory rate and coherence baseline, so our spirit, heart, brain, and nervous system operate in sync and with increased efficiency. This coherence carryover effect enables us to be more conscious and intuitive at choice points—to move in a state of ease and choose our actions and responses rather than mechanically reacting and creating stress.
Through raising our vibratory rate, we become conscious that our energetic heart is coupled to a deeper part of our self. Many call this their “higher power” or their “higher capacities,” which links us to a non-local quantum field of information and energy which physicist David Bohm called the “implicate order” and “undivided wholeness.” When we are in heart coherence, we have a tighter alignment with the heart intelligence that connects us to that source.
In 2008 the HeartMath Institute launched the Global Coherence Initiative (GCI). GCI is an international cooperative effort to help activate the heart of humanity and facilitate a shift in global consciousness.I am honored to be a member of the Global Coherence Initiative Steering Committee and to contribute to this vision. GCI has three primary focuses. The first is to invite people to participate by actively practicing heart coherence and adding more coherent love, care, and compassion into the planetary field. The second is scientific research on how we are energetically interconnected with each other and the earth; and the third is to educate people on how we can utilize this interconnectivity to more quickly raise our personal and collective vibratory rate to create a better world.
Here is a Heart Coherence technique from GCI to increase and sustain your personal coherence. Here are the six steps of this powerful tool:
- Breathe and calm yourself in whatever ways you choose.
- Choose something you appreciate—a person, pet, nature, etc., and radiate the feeling of appreciation to them for about two minutes. This helps open the heart more and increases your effectiveness when you start sending care to the planet or to a situation that needs it.
- Evoke genuine feelings of compassion and care for the planet.
- Breathe the feelings of compassion and care going out from your heart. (To help with focus, some imagine their compassion and care flowing out like a river flows out to the sea. Others imagine their compassion and care radiating as a beam of light, or they radiate it out with the rhythm of their breath. Determine what is right for you.)
- Radiate the genuine feelings of compassion and care to the planet or to a specific area of immediate need.
- See yourself joining with other caretakers to participate in the healing process and generate peace.
Increasing our individual heart coherence can contribute to a new world of social and global coherence, based on the proven intelligence that getting along with each other is the missing piece in our ability to thrive as a planet and draw solutions for creating a world we all want to live in.