Excerpted from Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Heart’s Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices and Solutions; Chapter 4 The Intuitive Heart — — by Rollin McCraty
“From my own experience and my observation of others,I realized that the lack of alignment between what our mind says and what our intuitive heart is quietly trying to tell us can be one of the biggest unrecognized sources of stress…With practice, accessing intuition can become integrated into the choices and decisions of our daily lives.”
Rollin McCraty, Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Heart’s Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices and Solutions
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Download the Introduction by Doc Childre and Chapter 1 from the new edition of Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Heart’s Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices and Solutions.
Practical Intuition
Learning how to generate a heart-coherent state to access intuitive intelligence can help prevent many stress- producing scenarios and create a much easier transition and flow through our daily challenges. Practicing heart rhythm coherence a few minutes several times a day helps to attune our mental and emotional nature to the most reasonable and effective way for responding to each situation that life brings us—whether challenging, normal, or creative. Your heart’s intuitive guidance is the voice of who you really are.
Here are some practical ways in which practicing heart coherence to access heart intuition can be very helpful:
- Making better choices for higher outcomes
- Increasing your capacity for discerning direction in sensitive situations
- Deciding when it’s time to speak up or when it’s time to hold back
- Determining what attitude to bring to a particular situation
- Detecting when life is saying a change is needed in attitude, disposition, etc.
- Helping guide diet and health choices
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Download the Introduction by Doc Childre and Chapter 1 from the new edition of Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Heart’s Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices and Solutions.
Accessing intuitive guidance is not one quick trick. Some think it is and that’s why many people get frus- trated with intuition. You have to practice opening and connecting with the heart for intuition to grow within you. Below is the simple Heart Lock-In Technique used in the intuition study to generate a heart-coherent state, which you can practice to build your intuitive connection. Opening your heart, practicing more heart connection with people, and listening from the heart draws in more intuition. Self-compassion, self-forgiveness, and having compassion, forgiveness, and appreciation for others draws in intuition. The heart’s intuition includes care for the wholeness of a situation.
Heart Lock-In® Technique
Step 1. Focus your attention in the area of the heart. Imagine your breath is flowing in and out of your heart or chest area, breathing a little slower and deeper than usual.
Step 2. Activate and sustain a regenerative feeling such as appreciation, care, or compassion.
Step 3. Radiate that renewing feeling to yourself and others.
It has been my experience that accessing my intuition takes managing my emotional energy and learning to pay more attention to my heart’s promptings. Otherwise, the mind and emotions tend to override the heart’s often subtle promptings. As we learn to attune to our heart feelings, our natural intuitive connection can develop and grow. One of the biggest benefits of learning to follow my heart’s promptings has been the ability to bring my mental and emotional faculties into greater alignment with my true self.