Six years ago I was a busy professional working to build a growing business in the midwest. I enjoyed working with my clients and had a great family and social life. However, I was not dealing with everyday stress and at times was not sleeping well. During an episode of driving tired I fell asleep at the wheel, cartwheeling my car several times. Fortunately, I was driving alone and did not hit or injure anyone else. The accident resulted in a closed head or diffused axonal injury followed by several years of rehabilitation.
While my brain was healing and rewiring itself I experienced a high level of anxiety which was treated with several medications ranging from tranquilizers to anti-depressants and for a short period an anti-psychotic. I had worked hard to regain what I had lost in memory and some functional areas. The anxiety, however, was creating a barrier to which I could not break. I would spend days in bed and weeks not leaving my home. Naturally a gregarious person, I was very sad and was losing hope that I would get better. Having exhausted my savings on standard protocol treatment and rehabilitation I was at a loss where to turn next.
A family member suggested that I call the Veterans Administration to see if I could meet with their doctors. I was introduced to a world-class team of medical professionals including top notch occupational therapist who recommended using the HeartMath Quick Coherence® breathing techniques and the emWave® system to help with my anxiety. We began with breathing exercises and meditation then advanced to the emWave. I was also reading and reflecting on the Transforming Stress book by Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman. Although having a clear understanding of the origin of my condition I was gaining tools to deflect and cope with the resulting effects. Within days I was feeling better and within weeks I was able to sleep a full night and wake refreshed, something that I had not experienced in many years. During one of our sessions I was able to complete a task I had been struggling with for 5 years. Slowing I began to take back my life and eventually titrated myself off all medications and have since not needed to take anything beyond a vitamin.
Each morning I wake to use the emWave program for 15 minutes. I find it important to focus only on the session and at times use the visualization tool to guide me toward a healthy variability in heartbeats, coherence and peace of mind. I also use the emWave PSR before I sleep and at times during the day especially when I feel a wave of stress or anxiety. Since my affect in working with others was off for some time I was quite self-conscious about speaking both socially and professionally. To help overcome my fear and gain confidence I use both breathing through my heart and the Freeze-Frame® technique to slow down my thought process and now speak with clarity and confidence.
I am truly blessed having such caring and gifted people help me through what has previously appeared impossible. Thank you HeartMath for being part of my team. – Anonymous