Article updated February 2022, originally published, August, 2017
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Download the Introduction by Doc Childre and Chapter 1 from the new edition of Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Heart’s Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices and Solutions.
With world events creating so much anxiety and uncertainty, it’s becoming clearer to many of us that people working together with kindness, compassion and acceptance are the missing pieces for resetting humanity’s fast and furious trajectory into separation and division.
It’s also becoming obvious that we cannot create solutions from the same consciousness level that’s creating the problems. We can each take responsibility for raising our conscious awareness (vibration) to help draw peaceful solutions. This is an undertaking that calls for kindness, forgiveness and an inclusive love that respects our differences.
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Download the Introduction by Doc Childre and Chapter 1 from the new edition of Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Heart’s Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices and Solutions.
HeartMath and many systems use the term vibration in reference to the quality of attitudes, thoughts, feelings and emotions that are generated and influenced by our beliefs, memories, choices, environmental stimuli and more.
For example, you often hear people say, “I had to leave that office, the vibes were so low it was draining my energy, or, “I felt a lift from being in her positive vibration.”
The vibration of our moods, attitudes, thoughts and feelings can rise and fall throughout the day based on our actions and reactions to others, ourselves, or to life’s issues. The vibes we put out vary based on our resilience for balancing our mind, emotions and disposition – especially in today’s dynamic emotional climate.
Part of being human means from time to time we’ll feel lower-level vibrations like being frustrated, angry, disappointed, or sad. But we can also shift out of these debilitating feelings and lift our attitudes and perceptions.
Feelings like care, compassion, kindness, inner ease, patience and gratitude lift our vibration. Anyone who experiences these qualities knows their power to shift our outlook.
Most all of us feel more self-secure when our vibes are up, yet maintaining this in the midst of challenges and stress can sometimes be tough. The good news is that we can learn to lift our vibration to meet challenges by adding more care, kindness and compassion in our interactions. Being in a lower vibration isn’t bad, it’s just that we feel better and are more effective when our spirits are lifted.
Many of us have personally experienced the benefits of compassion – and increasingly more and more people are resonating with this powerful expression of love especially in these times of robust change. Practicing compassion is something we can all do that benefits everyone.
Try these two simple exercises to lift your vibration when your feelings are down.
Find a quiet place where, for a few minutes, you can breathe easily, imagining with each breath that your mind, emotions and body are becoming still inside. In this stillness, desire the uplifting feeling you would like to have, and as you breathe, imagine breathing this new feeling into your being for a while. Imagine you are creating it with your breath.
- Find a quiet place where, for a few minutes, you can breathe easily, imagining with each breath that your mind, emotions and body are becoming still inside. In this stillness, desire the uplifting feeling you would like to have, and as you breathe, imagine breathing this new feeling into your being for a while. Imagine you are creating it with your breath.
- If you’re feeling low, try sitting quietly and imagine radiating love, compassion and stillness into your mental and emotional nature. Self-care is often allowing ourselves to have a low moment without compounding it with self-criticism.
When our light is dim, it helps to give ourselves the feeling of compassionate heart warmth. Even if it doesn’t stop the pain, we know it can help energetically.
You can soon feel a difference when doing these exercises, unless extremely challenged. If it doesn’t work the first time, be patient and simply try again later. Being genuine makes the difference. Practicing for a few days in a row strengthens your capacity to reset unwanted thoughts, feelings and attitudes.
Simple exercises such as these can lift your happiness and outlook more than you may think. Make it fun to consciously raise the vibration of your thoughts and feelings throughout the day to match who you are in your heart of hearts. Watch your spirit lift and the stress accumulation diminish.
These practices especially help to open our heart more in our interactions, which is often the missing piece in our pursuit for peace.
Love matters.
These exercises have been adapted with the author’s permission for this article. Read the full exercises and other helpful suggestions, in the book, Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Heart’s Intuitive Guidance for Effective Choices and Solutions.
Adapted with permission from the HeartMath Institute.
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