HeartMath Institute: Empowering Students with Tools for Emotional Well-Being

HeartMath Institute’s innovative school programs are gaining traction across the US.  

The past few years haven’t been easy for kids. Studies show that roughly 1 in 6 children aged 5-16 experience some form of a mental health issue. 

Between the social isolation of COVID-19, constant changes to schooling, and a world full of uncertainty, it’s no wonder many kids are struggling with anxiety and feeling down. War, climate warming, and political turmoil can add another layer of worry and fear for them.

Social media can facilitate connection but can also fuel feelings of inadequacy with all the comparisons and potential for cyberbullying.  

Building Confidence and Self-Regulation

HeartMath Institute’s school programs, based on over 30 years of research, are showing promise in addressing these rising student mental health concerns.   

The programs focus on building “heart-brain coherence,” a state where the heart and brain are in sync, resulting in feeling calmer, more focused, and better able to handle challenges. 

These skills translate into tangible benefits for students, including:

  • Improved Mental Health: Learning to manage their emotions brings children closer to improving their mental well-being.
  • Enhanced Academic Performance: Studies show that emotional regulation skills can lead to better focus and concentration in the classroom.
  • Stronger Social Connections: Understanding and regulating emotions fosters better communication and builds healthier relationships with peers.

Cool Tech

Kids love the technology because it lets them actually see their emotions. As they begin to feel calmer and more focused, the app images calm down, too.   

“I previously did not have control of how I felt, but now I do. That unlocked a whole new world for me, where even in stressful situations, I can still feel good.”

— SB, high school student

Real-World Examples:

  • Florida: Teachers are utilizing the emWave® Pro technology to help students process and manage trauma.
  • Portland, Oregon: A special education teacher is equipping 200 preschool teachers with HeartMath® techniques for fostering emotional well-being in young children.
  • Houston, Texas: A CDC grant program is incorporating HeartMath’s self-regulation techniques to support students struggling with agitation and focus issues.
  • Canada: In a four-week study, students reported:
    • Enhanced emotional stability
    • Increased self-esteem
    • Improved interpersonal relationships
  • HeartMath’s programs, HeartSmarts Adventure®, WiseHeart®, and Smart Brain Wise Heart™, have received grants in recognition of their effectiveness in addressing student mental health challenges. 

How You Can Help:

There are several ways you can contribute to supporting children’s mental health:

  • Watch and Share: If you have or care about kids, check this 5-minute video out and share it. It can help kids navigate their lives, schools, and social worlds. This is an indispensable skill set that all children should have access to — easy-to-learn, science-based, proven benefits. 
  • Advocate for School Programs: In a world that is unsure of what makes sense, learning how to connect to the heart, turn around a negative situation, and love themselves and the people around them is essential. If this inspires you, help us connect the dots by getting these tools to all children and schools.

By working together, we can equip children with the tools they need to thrive emotionally and navigate the complexities of life with confidence.

You can learn more about HeartMath Institute’s activities in education in their quarterly newsletter, Heart Smarts, here.