Larry Schwenneker went through many rough periods in his life – which in his youth included being involved with the wrong crowd and heading down destructive paths.

Larry was a Heart Hero to himself first by starting to heal himself from a lifetime of anger, depression and anxiety as a result of the various traumas in his life. The healing started for Larry when he was introduced to HeartMath as part of his treatment for a brain injury.
While he knows that time doesn’t necessarily reduce past trauma, he found the HeartMath tools and technology very helpful in managing the effects of the brain injury and softening the triggers of the past. Whereas other therapies such as cognitive behavior therapy and Gestalt had some benefit, HeartMath was instrumental in dealing with the anger, anxiety and depression that Larry had been experiencing for the better part of his life.
Today Larry is a HeartMath® Certified Coach and he’s using his past experiences, combined with his knowledge of HeartMath, as a way to speak to and reach young people. Larry works with young people, teaching them how they can peacefully resolve conflicts and develop healthy relationships in their communities. He says, “People don’t need to live like they do, but they do because they don’t know any better. If it can change me, it can change anybody!”
Now Larry is their Heart Hero. Using tools to empower a younger generation, he is helping them learn how they can navigate through life by using their own heart intelligence. “When they experience success, they have a willingness to practice.”
Our amazing team of certified coach mentors, like Larry, are truly Heart Heroes. They’re out in force empowering people of all ages with proven methods for creating a richer, happier life by learning how to tap into their own heart power.
In light of our celebration of Heart Heroes, we want to honor Larry and all of our HeartMath Certified Coaches and Mentors for the inspiring work they’re doing and for helping to create a heart-based world.
Here’s to the Heart Hero in You! – Your Friends at HeartMath
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