Featured Articles

Out With the Old, In With the New

Out with the old / In with the new is not just for the new year. It’s how we can create a new and better life. Within the process of moving from old to new, many of us are experiencing old issues we thought we’d healed or cleared coming up again. Read More

Care Focus: Caring for Self; Caring for the World

As we pause at times during the day to radiate our heart’s care and compassion to all the people suffering in Gaza and Israel and in the Russia-Ukraine war, we can wonder how much of a difference are we making and how else can we help the world. You’re not alone if you feel discouraged at times. With all the intensities going on, one after another, it can look like the world is falling into disarray. It’s important that we remember there’s a Shift happening on the planet. Old repressed energies have to come to the surface to release, or there wouldn’t be a Shift. It’s clearing the old to make room for the new. Read More

Heart Focus Event for the Holidays!

Deborah Rozman and Howard Martin present a live Heart Focus Event and Meditation this season. Experience tapping into the heart’s […] Read More

Special Care Focus, Meditation/Prayer to the Israel-Hamas Conflict

Join us in a Global Heart Session for radiating care and compassion to the Israel-Hamas conflict anytime you choose, or during synchronized times from today through Friday, October 20 at 4 a.m., noon, and 8 p.m. PT (minus 8 hours GMT/UTC). Allow 10 to 15 minutes or whatever is convenient. Read More

Heart Coherence Training May Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

While breakthroughs in treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s remain somewhat elusive, an earlier study titled, “Precision Medicine Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease: Successful Pilot Project,” also utilized HeartMath HRV coherence biofeedback (Inner Balance Trainer portable technology) for participant’s to manage stress as part of their intervention. Read More

A Hunger for Heart and an Epidemic of Loneliness

In today’s world, the prevalence of loneliness is on the rise, giving birth to what Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, the surgeon general of the United States, refers to as an “epidemic of loneliness.” With the detrimental impact this has on our mental and emotional well-being, loneliness has become a pressing public health crisis. This article explores the profound effects of loneliness, the fraying of social connections, and the importance of nurturing human connections. Read More

The Power of Heart Coherence in Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and we want to express our appreciation for all the dedicated mental health counselors, therapists, and coaches, including HeartMath Certified Professionals, who help so many people around the world improve their mental and emotional health with tools for building heart coherence. Read More

The Difference Between Care and Overcare

Overcare is when our initial feelings of care about something or someone turn into obsessive worry, anxiety, or projecting the worst—this usually escalates into emotional depletion and the obvious stress load that follows. Read More

Compassion: The Need of the Times

Compassion is one of the highest supportive energies of love. I used to think it was for fixing others. We can support each other with our love and compassion, but people have to do their own fixing from within. Read More

How to Increase Heart Coherence

Heart coherence is a naturally occurring state, yet for most, it often comes and goes depending on life situations. Our research shows we can intentionally learn to increase heart coherence, and we have found that one of the most effective ways to facilitate this is with HeartMath’s coherence-building technology. Read More

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