There is plenty of opportunity in the office for individuals to become envious of one another, with raises, promotions and bosses who play favorites being among the top causes. While jealousy is a natural reaction for some people, it can also induce undue stress.
Self-help author Lauren Miller reports that feelings of intense envy have the potential to lead to stress-related illnesses, which are estimated to account for 80 percent of all diseases.
“There are many emotions that course through your body during the day that can rapidly increase the stress hormone along with blood pressure in your body, jealousy being one of them. You often find yourself in the jealousy jungle at work, socially and in your own home,” Miller said.
To alleviate this, Miller suggests focusing on the good in one’s own life, rather than on what they may be lacking. Also, taking time to reflect at the end of the day on positive occurrences and attributes may help to build self-esteem.