Building Personal Resilience™
Mentor Certification / Coach Enrichment Program

Join the global community of HeartMath® Certified Professionals and be a positive force in the lives of others.

Building Personal Resilience™ Certification with Stress Assessment Training

For Mentors, Coaches, Counselors, Consultants, Peer Support & More

Resilience diagram

If you’re a coach, facilitator, mentor, teacher, or just want to help others relieve stress, build resilience, and expand their capacity for love, this certification can make your vision a reality.

You will learn the HeartMath skill set for your personal benefit as well as how to mentor and teach others to transform stress and release blocked energy. Additionally, you’ll learn to connect more deeply with the wisdom and guidance of your heart’s intelligence—guiding others to do the same.


A key benefit for many who mentor or coach others in applying the HeartMath skill set is a newfound ability to rise above many day-to-day stressors. This results in better health, well-being, and a deeper sense of fulfillment.

Please send more information on the Building Personal Resilience™ program.

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