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Media Contact: Gabriella Boehmer
(831) 338-8710 or [email protected]

HeartMath® is Giving Away Their Latest Online Video Program to Help with Balance and Emotional Poise During This Challenging Time

HeartMath® is Giving Away Their Latest Online Video Program to Help with Balance and Emotional Poise During This Challenging Time

Five Scientifically Validated Techniques to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Boulder Creek, California – April 6, 2020 – Months before anyone knew about COVID-19 and the stress it would create, HeartMath® released an interactive video program to help people manage the increase of daily stress and anxiety in our world. Now as we are all affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, the HeartMath company is waiving all registration costs for the program during the months of April and May to help people maintain emotional balance, increase mental clarity and sustain resilience. The online video program, with recently added subtitles for six additional languages, can be accessed by going to www.hmath.me/hmexpfree.

HeartMath is world-renowned for its research-based training programs, techniques and technologies and has been helping people reduce stress and anxiety and increase personal resilience for more than 25 years.

Deborah Rozman, CEO of HeartMath Inc., said, “Our deepest compassion goes out to everyone affected by COVID-19. We are all being faced with highly stressful adjustments to situations disrupting the flow of our lives and feelings of safety. We sincerely feel these practical tools can uplift people’s spirits and be valuable in helping to navigate through these unpredictable and challenging times with more ease and clarity.”

The HeartMath Experience online video program provides viewers with five scientifically validated HeartMath techniques designed to help people to reduce stress and anxiety. Viewers also earn the latest research on the connection between the physical and energetic heart and provides techniques for connecting with your heart’s intuitive directions for the best choices in whatever your life situation calls for.

Studies have shown that these techniques for balancing the mind and emotions, as well as practicing compassionate care, can enhance our immune system, health and self-security.

Many states in the US and countries around the world, are asking people to “Shelter in Place,” and health experts are encouraging people to have a daily routine that includes practices like mindfulness, meditation and the kinds of proven techniques offered in the HeartMath Experience.

The HeartMath Experience is a 90-minute interactive learning experience that is divided into 9-chapters. The program has a movie-like feeling and was recently featured at the Illuminate Film Festival earlier this year and will be feature at additional film festivals later this year.

Rozman added, “We hope that people who find benefit from this program will freely share it with others. Together, we can help one another navigate these uncertain times with increased self-security.”

Anyone who would like free access to the program can go to www.hmath.me/hmexpfree and click the button “Get Free Access.”


HeartMath was born out of a deep sense of caring for people and our planet. The HeartMath system empowers people to self-regulate their emotions and behaviors to reduce stress, increase resilience, and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making more effective choices.

Now with more than 300 peer-reviewed or independent studies utilizing HeartMath techniques or technologies, thousands of health professionals use and recommend the HeartMath system to help their patients reduce stress and anxiety and increase mental and emotional resilience. HeartMath clients include hundreds of hospitals such as Kaiser Permanente, Cedars Sinai and Stanford School of Medicine. In addition, HeartMath works with schools, humanitarian organizations, corporations and government agencies such as NASA and Department of Veterans Affairs.

Founded in 1991 by Doc Childre, the HeartMath family includes the nonprofit HeartMath Institute as well as more than 8,000 certified HeartMath trainers, coaches and health professionals. Together we serve people of all ages and walks of life around the world.