A Therapist’s Guide: Using HeartMath ® Tools with Clients with Post – Traumatic Stress, Addictions, Chronic Pain, Grief and Loss

This guidebook provides you with the knowledge to help your clients:

  1. Gain useful tools to manage affect and overstimulation of the Autonomic Nervous System.
  2. Provide in session mastery of anxiety and stress response, which builds personal confidence for further processing of traumatic material, in lowered states of arousal.
  3. Intervene with themselves in between sessions for affect management skill building.
  4. Discharge Autonomic Nervous System freeze response — releasing immobilizing energy.
  5. Increase Adaptive Information Processing skills.
  6. Increase Heart–Brain synchronization.
  7. Increase the body’s natural regenerative processes.
  8. Maintain mental and emotional stability
Therapist Guide

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