Do you ever feel like life needs a fresh coat of paint or a little dusting off? Some days we can wake up feeling like the sheen seems to be absent from our life. As if something is different or something changed when we weren’t looking. These feelings aren’t uncommon and often can be an inner heart signal telling us it’s time to refresh our attitudes and try new ways of doing our routines and breathe fresh energy into everyday events.
Over the summer we will be sharing some helpful insights and tips that can help you get more out of life—useable suggestions that we hope will add a little sparkle to your summer! So let’s get started.
Enjoy Life! Tip – Appreciation
Think about how different life looks when seen through the eyes of appreciation.
Appreciation is one of the most effective core heart feelings for giving you an energy boost and changing your perspective.
When you appreciate yourself and the wonderful bounty of your life, your own value increases, both for yourself and others.
Take some time today and remember to appreciate.
10 Ways to Extend the Vacation Feeling

Don’t settle back into “the usual” so fast. We can keep the feeling of vacation a little longer by slowly returning to routines, especially while the weather is good and the days longer. Be creative — there are plenty of simple, fun activities that have a little vacation feeling. Read Article
A Most Memorable Adventure

Traveling can be stressful—find out how Howard dealt with some challenging situations while on a business trip. In forty hours he had been in two different countries, met many new people, delivered a program, had four amazing meetings, experienced new fellowship — and had a most memorable adventure. Read Article
When Life Happens, Try This Ease Technique!

On a recent trip to visit my family, my husband and I were on our way to the airport and I felt like I might be getting a cold. The day after we arrived I woke up feeling much worse. As our vacation continued I also wasn’t sleeping at night. I thought okay, this isn’t what I had in mind for vacation, but I knew the quicker I could go to a place of acceptance the easier it would be for me to deal with being sick. Read Article
Benefits of a Vacation

Ahhh, vacation time! While this might be how you’re feeling, not everyone feels this way. Many people are skipping vacations though a vacation might be the best thing for heart, mind and body health. Read Article
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